Wars, climate change, power shifts: It’s the end of the world as we know it, and we need to adapt. In this transformation our journalism provides guidance and provocation - by zooming in, changing perspectives, calling things by their name.
In an ever more interconnected world foreign reporting needs more, not fewer resources. Ignoring perspectives leads to ignorant decisions. Instead of crisis driven parachute journalism we provide regional expertise and local perspectives.
To grasp the complexity of our world, we need to pool our brains and resources. This is exactly what n-ost does - connecting editors with experts, free lancers with clients, photographers with authors, money with content and content with reach.
An integrated European media sphere is our vision. We strengthen the channels of mutual awareness across a Europe that is larger than the EU. Our focus is on the East. Especially in moments when the heart of Europe beats on the streets of Kyiv or Tbilisi.
Freelance Investigative Journalist
Tirana, Albania
Freelance Journalist
Bukarest, Romania
Freelance Photographer
Berlin, Germany
Editor, n-ost
Berlin, Germany
Editor-in-chief, EDUzín
Prague, Czech Republic
Correspondent Centra/Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Germany Trade & Invest
Berlin, Germany
Mirjam Baumert
Köln, Germany
Freelance Journalist, Radio Bullets
Kyiv, Ukraine
Tv host, journalist, Channel 5
Kyiv, Ukraine
Berlin, Germany
Journalist, Schwäbische Zeitung
Weißenau, Germany
Media Network Manager, n-ost
Madrid, Spain
Press Officer, Reporter ohne Grenzen
Berlin, Germany
euro|topics social media editor French, Freelance
London, United Kingdom
Editor, Aktionsbündnis Brandenburg
Neumünster, Germany
euro|topics Correspondent Netherlands and Belgium
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Journalist, Freelance
Journalist, Märkische Onlinezeitung
Franfurt Oder, Germany
Investigative journalist, Daiva Repečkaitė
Senior Editor, EUrologus / HVG
Brussels, Belgium
Freelance Reporter, Freelance Reporter
Berlin, Germany
Managing Director, n-ost
Berlin, Germany
Freelance Journalist
Paris, France
Journalist, Zeit Online
Berlin, Germany, Germany
Communications Manager, The Association Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine (EECU)
Lviv, Ukraine
Warsaw, Poland
Journalist, MRT
Skopje, North Macedonia
Freelance Journalist, Free
Berlin, Germany
Freelance Journalist
Magdeburg, Germany
Freelance Journalist
Berlin, Germany
Program & Fundraising Manager, n-ost
Berlin, Germany
Journalist, NEXT.On.ge
Tbilisi, Georgia