
Echoes of Loss: An Evening with Film Screening and Photo Exhibition by Ukrainian Journalists

Join us at the n-ost media hub for an evening dedicated to Ukrainian journalism! On this occasion, n-ost will screen Yaroslava Tymoshchuk's documentary “Queue for Farewell” (2023, 50 min, in Ukrainian with EN subtitles) and present the photo exhibition "Alone" by Katya Moskalyuk that sheds light on the stories of the wives of soldiers killed in Russia's war against Ukraine.

28 May at 6:30 pm
n-ost Media Hub, Alexandrinenstr. 2-3, 10969 Berlin

The networking evening will feature a photo exhibition by documentary photographer Katya Moskalyuk. Her recent project, "Alone", focuses on the experiences of loss shared by many women in Ukraine. Katya has been working on this project for over a year now. She describes her idea:

"I was filming a military burial, and when they all arrived at Lychakiv Cemetery, there was a moment when the wife of the fallen soldier was given a flag. I photographed the wife at that moment, holding the flag close to her heart, and she said, 'Is that all?' It terrified me because, indeed, there's this solemn ceremony, there's farewell, and then after that, the person is left alone with their grief."

One of the women featured in the project expressed that she no longer felt alone after participating. This profoundly moved Katya and reinforced her dedication to this work.

"Queue for Farewell" is the result of the work of a team of investigators, telling the story of the search, DNA identification, and return home of deceased Ukrainian soldiers. Yaroslava Tymoshchuk, the film's author, reflects on her experience:

"This is the most emotional journalistic story I've ever worked on. The main character of the film, the wife of the fallen soldier Iryna Karas from Mariupol, waited a year and two months after the news of her husband's death to identify and bury him."

Film length: 51 min.

Language: Ukrainian with English subtitles.

The movie is a project of Suspilne, the Ukrainian public broadcasting service. Watch the trailer here

After the screening and presentation of the "Alone" photo project, we will hold a Q&A session with Yaroslava Tymoshchuk and Katya Moskalyuk. The evening will continue informally with refreshments in the n-ost kitchen. Please register here

These presentations will be organised in the framework of the Europe-Ukraine Desk project, which aims to build bridges between journalists from Ukraine and the EU. And we cordially invite you to meet twelve Ukrainian journalists who will be in Berlin as part of their professional visit to European capitals.