About n-ost

Who we are & How we work

The journalism we do depends on people that bring it to life, on resources from our donors and clients, and on clarity about why we do it and how. Get to know us!

Journalistic Network & Media NGO

n-ost was founded in 2006 as a network of correspondents strengthening the reporting on Europe's East and offering mostly German speaking media expertise and on site reporting - in a time when many outlets had to base their coverage on news agencies and couldn't afford own correspondents. 

Today our growing network consists of more than 500 journalists and media actively co-operating in English and other languages across Europe. A multinational team of around 35 project managers and editors operates from our office in Berlin, but also from other European cities.

n-ost is a non for profit organisation registered under German law and operating on the base of its Statutes. Its voting members every second year elect a board overseeing the organisation's work and development. The Annual Report shows the broad range of n-ost’s activities during the year and an overview on finances.

n-ost's head quarters with around 24 work places and space for meetings are located in the heart of Berlin, in Kreuzberg. Our office is functioning as a Hub, open to journalists in search of a work place, of connection to colleagues or utilities to produce in Berlin. 

n-ost is a co-founder of the German Forum for non-profit journalism FGJ. It is a member of the Forum for Media and Development FoME and of the Global Investigative Journalism Network GIJN

Our mission: To break national media bubbles by bringing journalists and media from all over EU, Europe’s East and its neighbors to work together.

Our vision: An integrated european media sphere that is cross-border and collaborative at its very core.

Our Values & Approaches 

In our work we stick to the norms and rules of journalistic ethics, which are universally accepted by the professional community: robust evidence, critical analysis, accuracy.

Our societies depend on such reliable information to enable the political decision-making process. That is why we are vigilant against all types of disinformation intended to blur, manipulate, or undermine reliable information. We do not cooperate with journalists or media who use propaganda.

In an interconnected world challenged by a multitude of shared crises and the return of unilateralism we strengthen and lobby for foreign reporting: Regional expertise, strong networks of correspondents instead of parachute journalism, and the reporting from smaller countries are key to understanding this world.

Enabling Collaboration

With cross-border investigations and European media networks we foster a culture of collaboration in journalism. Only if we share and connect our brains can we grasp the sheer volume of knowledge shaping our digitized world today. By pooling our resources we improve the sustainability of our work.

Shifting Perspectives

In a world, where issues transcend borders and complexities intertwine we are eager to learn about perspectives that are not part of our own informational bubble. Our firm stance against propaganda must not lead to a narrowed down view on the world in our publishing.

Building Capacity

We strive for relationships on eye level through the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience in our capacity building. It helps both freelancers and independent media to become less vulnerable to the manyfold forms of economic and political pressure they face.

Reflecting Journalism

Challenged by disinformation, digitalization, and loss of trust journalists need the space to self-reflect and identify own blind spots. In times of war and polarization, but also in times, of societies deconstructing the disbalances of power as rarely before, we need to be wide awake.


Check out all the participating journalists listed here. This is what brings them together.

See all network members
Anastasia Anisimova

Creative Producer, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Stephan Bader

Editor, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Stephanie Baecker

Head of Communications n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Vika Biran

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Marc Bräutigam

Social Media Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Mila Corlateanu

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Angelina Davydova


Berlin, Germany

Sophie Elmenthaler

Editor, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Judith Fiebelkorn

Senior Editor, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Carsten Fiedler

Social Media Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Pavel Gafarov

Communications Manager, n-ost

Düsseldorf, Germany

Tom Gebhardt

Editor, n-ost

Palma, Spain

Hanno Gundert

Managing Director, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Stefan Günther

Photo Editor, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Zurich, Switzerland

Tanja Heinze

Financial Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Anneke Hudalla

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Kateryna Kovalenko

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Katarina Kukla

Project Assistant, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Oksana Mamchenkova

Project Coordinator, n-ost

Kyiv, Ukraine

Jacob Mardell

Editorial Coordinator, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Francesco Martino

Journalist, OBCT


Markus Niedobitek

Project Manager, n-ost

Halle (Saale), Germany

Iryna Ponedelnik

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Lara Rindt

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Antonina Rybka

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Ulrike Schuler

Editor, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Alyona Vyshnytska

Project Manager, n-ost

Kyiv, Ukraine

Lina Weisener

Social Media and Communications Manager, n-ost

Martha Wildenauer

Project Coordinator, n-ost

Hamburg, Germany

Natálie Zehnalová

Community Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Alexandra Zeitlin

Program & Fundraising Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany