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Our Belarus network

Check out all the participating journalists listed here. This is what brings them together.

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Tamina Kutscher

Freelance Journalist

Berlin, Germany

Thomas Seifert

Reporter, Essayist, Editor, storyinstitut.eu

Wien, Austria

Dylan Carter

Investigative Journalist, Freelance

Brussels, Belgium

Franka Hummels

Journalist, Freelance

Utrecht, Netherlands

Hanna Valynets

freelance journalist, Freelance

-, Lithuania

Tatsiana Hendzel

Journalist, Editor


Matthias Schumann


Dresden, Germany

Zofia Nierodzinska

Culture Journalist, Researcher, Curator, Zofia Nierodzinska

Berlin, Germany

Alexander Kloß

Berlin-based freelance journalist specialising in politics, culture and economics, Programme Officer

Berlin, Germany

Filip Noubel

Managing Editor, Global Voices

Prague, Czech Republic

Iryna Ponedelnik

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Natasha Belikova

CEO, Belarus in Focus Information Office


Sergey Kozmin

Freelance Journalist

Julia Kalashnyk

Freelance Journalist, Radio Bullets

Kyiv, Ukraine

Lara Rindt

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Vika Biran

Project Manager, n-ost

Berlin, Germany

Kaja Puto

Freelance Journalist

Sosnowiec, Poland

Olivia Kortas

Freelance Journalist

Warsaw, Poland

Liliane Stieler

Berlin, Germany

Denis Trubetskoy

Freelance Journalist

Kyiv, Ukraine

Peggy Lohse

Freelance Journalist

Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Marco Fieber

Executive Director, Libereco

München, Germany

Roland Bogati


Pforzheim, Germany

Stefano Grazioli

Freelance Journalist

Bonn, Germany

Simone Brunner

Staff Journalist, DIE ZEIT

Vienna, Austria

Angelina Davydova


Berlin, Germany

Diana Laarz

Freelance Journalist

Hamburg, Germany

Olga Kapustina

Freelance Journalist

Bonn, Germany

Inna Hartwich


Moscow, Russian Federation

Ann-Dorit Boy

Freelance Journalist

Seelze, Germany

Moritz Gathmann

Reporter, Stern

Berlin, Germany

Nancy Waldmann

Journalist, Märkische Onlinezeitung

Franfurt Oder, Germany

Ulf Buschmann

Freelance Journalist

Bremen, Germany

Ute Zauft

Journalist, Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg

Berlin, Germany

Gemma Terés Arilla

Deputy Head Foreign Desk, taz

Berlin, Germany

Annette Streicher

Freelance Journalist, ZDF

Berlin, Germany

Jan Zappner

Photographer, c/o Freie Redaktion

Berlin, Germany

Maryna Rakhlei

Senior Program Officer, German Marshall Fund

Berlin, Germany

Christina Hebel

Correspondent, Der Spiegel

Hamburg, Germany

Ulrike Butmaloiu

IDEM - Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange

Berlin, Germany

Oliver Bilger

Journalist at Welt am Sonntag, WELT AM SONNTAG

Berlin, Germany

Stefan Schocher

Freelance Journalist

Wien, Austria

Featured articles

Some of the recent writing that stems from current n-ost projects and members.