
Online journalism, in-depth

In many countries of Eastern Europe, independent online journalism is struggling with a lack of resources, financial instability and the government's reluctance to provide information. The project aims at strengthening 12 online media outlets in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Belarus by encouraging them to develop their journalistic profile on the topics of either climate change, health or information society.

Project news & upcoming events

Would you like to boost your opportunities to connect and exchange with colleagues from all over Europe?

The challenge...

How to present the impact of climate change without just crunching numbers? How to write about algorithms and social bots in a way that attracts attention not only among computer nerds but also among your typical audience?

Complex issues tend to be tiring or even boring - and reporting on them requires more than just repeating what other media said before. But general advice such as to adapt the topic to your local context and tell an interesting story about real people are easier said than done, especially in a situation, when media struggle with a lack of finances, time, staff and information - or even face political repression. As a result, in many countries, important questions such as the impact of climate change rank surprisingly low on the political agenda. Sometimes media even unintentedly contribute to the dissemination of disinformation (e.g. related to health issues). Online journalism, in-depth provides participating media with funding, time and expertise - the ingredients of high-quality, in-depth reporting.

.. and how the project intends to mitigate it

In the course of the project participating media have a chance

  • to network with colleagues from neighbouring countries and develop cross-border stories
  • to receive financial support for content production
  • to connect with experts on the respective topic
  • to participate in trainings to learn about new journalistic approaches and improve their journalistic skills
  • to deepen their personal knowledge about key questions shaping our the nearest future

We believe that close cooperation between journalists and experts will  improve the quality of reporting and public debate on important international issues. Therefore, in the long run, the project aims at  creating three sustainable networks encompassing journalists, experts and civil society actors – working to the benefit of all: While journalists will gain access to reliable quality information, experts and activists improve their chances to inform public debate and to impact political decision-making.

Internal organisation & funding

The 12 participating media are sorted into three groups, according to their respective focus topic, i.e. there is a climate group, a health group and a info-society group each consisting of 4 media, one from each project country. The groups are corrdinated by one of the project consortium partners:

  • n-ost is in charge of the climate group and its activities
  • Publika runs all activities related to the topic of health
  • IMI is the lead partner for "information society"

The project is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


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Featured articles

Some of the recent writing that stems from current n-ost projects and members.

Participating journalists

Check out all the participating journalists listed here. This is what brings them together.

See all network members
Oksana Savoskina

Journalist, Hromadske

Kyiv, Ukraine

Olha Boiko

Network Coordinator, CAN EECCA

Kyiv, Ukraine

Julian Wettengel

Correspondent, Clean Energy Wire

Berlin, Germany

Tamta Natchkebia


Tbilisi, Georgia

Pavel Sviardlou

Editor-in-Chief, European Radio for Belarus


Helena Lea Manhartsberger

freelance lournalist and educator

Alexey Avchinnikov
Gayane Igityan

UNDP Armenia

Monika Yeritsyan


Yerevan, Armenia

Rima Grigoryan


Yerevan, Armenia

Lika Zakashvili

Editor-in-Chief, Publika

Tbilisi, Georgia

Maria Titizian

Editor-in-chief, EVN Report

Yerevan, Armenia

Srbuhi Vardanyan

project manager,

Yerevan, Armenia

Antidze Tamar

Climate Change coordinator, Heinrich Boell South Caucasus

Aneta Zachova


Prague, Czech Republic

Viktoriya Ball

Co-founder and Project Manager, Rozviy Youth Climate Initiative (Ukraine)

United Kingdom




Hanna Valynets

freelance journalist, Freelance

-, Lithuania

Anna Sukiasyan

Correspondent, The European Correspondent

Yerevan, Armenia

Kostiantyn Donchenko

-, Kostiantyn Donchenko


Serhii Barbu-Valchyshyn

Tv host, journalist, Channel 5

Kyiv, Ukraine

Yelyzaveta Tkachenko

Junior analyst, VoxCheck (NGO VoxUkraine project)

Kyiv, Ukraine

Kristina Ter-Matevosyan

Journalist, Ecolur informational NGO

Yerevan, Armenia

Lusine Vardanyan

Journalist, Civilnet

Yerevan, Armenia

Tatsiana Hendzel

Journalist, Editor


Ana Mtchedlishvili


Tbilisi, Georgia

Khrystyna Miskevych

Communications Manager, The Association Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine (EECU)

Lviv, Ukraine

Karen Harutyunyan

Editor in chief,

Yerevan, Armenia

Karine Darbinyan

Data journalist, Ampop Media

Yerevan, Armenia

Aleksandar Samardjiev

Correspondent, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

Tetovo, North Macedonia

Filip Noubel

Managing Editor, Global Voices

Prague, Czech Republic

Natasha Belikova

CEO, Belarus in Focus Information Office


Suren Deheryan

Founder-editor, Ampop Media

Yerevan, Armenia

Margarita Ghazaryan

Freelance journalist

Armenia, Armenia

Marine Leduc

La Croix, Le Courrier d'Europe Centrale, RFI, Le Soir, M Le Monde, etc

Bucharest, Romania, Romania

Daiva Repečkaitė

Investigative journalist, Daiva Repečkaitė


Boris Schneider

European Programme Manager, Clean Energy Wire

Berlin, Germany

Tsira Gvasalia

Founder and Journalist , Cactus Media

Tbilisi, Georgia

Nico Schmidt

Journalist, Investigate Europe

Berlin, Germany

Kristine Aghalaryan

n-vestigate, hetq

Yerevan, Armenia

Alexenia Dimitrova

Freelance Journalist

Sofia, Bulgaria

Christian Splett

Press Officer, Spokesperson

Berlin, Germany