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How to present the impact of climate change without just crunching numbers? How to write about algorithms and social bots in a way that attracts attention not only among computer nerds but also among your typical audience?
Complex issues tend to be tiring or even boring - and reporting on them requires more than just repeating what other media said before. But general advice such as to adapt the topic to your local context and tell an interesting story about real people are easier said than done, especially in a situation, when media struggle with a lack of finances, time, staff and information - or even face political repression. As a result, in many countries, important questions such as the impact of climate change rank surprisingly low on the political agenda. Sometimes media even unintentedly contribute to the dissemination of disinformation (e.g. related to health issues). Online journalism, in-depth provides participating media with funding, time and expertise - the ingredients of high-quality, in-depth reporting.
In the course of the project participating media have a chance
We believe that close cooperation between journalists and experts will improve the quality of reporting and public debate on important international issues. Therefore, in the long run, the project aims at creating three sustainable networks encompassing journalists, experts and civil society actors – working to the benefit of all: While journalists will gain access to reliable quality information, experts and activists improve their chances to inform public debate and to impact political decision-making.
The 12 participating media are sorted into three groups, according to their respective focus topic, i.e. there is a climate group, a health group and a info-society group each consisting of 4 media, one from each project country. The groups are corrdinated by one of the project consortium partners:
The project is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Check out all the participating journalists listed here. This is what brings them together.
See all network membersJournalist, Hromadske
Kyiv, Ukraine
Network Coordinator, CAN EECCA
Kyiv, Ukraine
Correspondent, Clean Energy Wire
Berlin, Germany
Journalist/Editor, dev.ge; publika.ge
Tbilisi, Georgia
Editor-in-Chief, European Radio for Belarus
freelance lournalist and educator
UNDP Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia
Editor-in-Chief, Publika
Tbilisi, Georgia
Editor-in-chief, EVN Report
Yerevan, Armenia
project manager, Civilnet.am
Yerevan, Armenia
Climate Change coordinator, Heinrich Boell South Caucasus
Editor-in-chief, Euractiv.cz
Prague, Czech Republic
Co-founder and Project Manager, Rozviy Youth Climate Initiative (Ukraine)
United Kingdom
journalist, AgroPortal.ua
freelance journalist, Freelance
-, Lithuania
Correspondent, The European Correspondent
Yerevan, Armenia
-, Kostiantyn Donchenko
Tv host, journalist, Channel 5
Kyiv, Ukraine
Junior analyst, VoxCheck (NGO VoxUkraine project)
Kyiv, Ukraine
Journalist, Ecolur informational NGO
Yerevan, Armenia
Journalist, Civilnet
Yerevan, Armenia
Journalist, Editor
Journalist, NEXT.On.ge
Tbilisi, Georgia
Communications Manager, The Association Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine (EECU)
Lviv, Ukraine
Editor in chief, Civilnet.am
Yerevan, Armenia
Data journalist, Ampop Media
Yerevan, Armenia
Correspondent, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa
Tetovo, North Macedonia
Managing Editor, Global Voices
Prague, Czech Republic
CEO, Belarus in Focus Information Office
Founder-editor, Ampop Media
Yerevan, Armenia
Freelance journalist
Armenia, Armenia
La Croix, Le Courrier d'Europe Centrale, RFI, Le Soir, M Le Monde, etc
Bucharest, Romania, Romania
Investigative journalist, Daiva Repečkaitė
European Programme Manager, Clean Energy Wire
Berlin, Germany
Founder and Journalist , Cactus Media
Tbilisi, Georgia
Journalist, Investigate Europe
Berlin, Germany
n-vestigate, hetq
Yerevan, Armenia
Freelance Journalist
Sofia, Bulgaria
Press Officer, Spokesperson
Berlin, Germany