
Developing Journalism - Exposing Climate Change in Central Asia

Central Asian media is paying little attention to issues of climate change and ecology - even though the region is among the first to be affected by extreme droughts, water scarcity and a loss of biodiversity and traditional culture. The project aimed at strengthening media’s capacities in defining environmental policy topics and discussing current environmental issues.

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The project aimed to identify the challenges of progressive climate change through the development and strengthening of independent media in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. One of the main aims of the project was to show how the global problem of climate change manifests itself at the local level - without stopping at national borders.

As part of the project journalists, bloggers, researchers, and experts in the field of ecology and climate change formed cross-border teams and jointly developed project ideas. A jury of four experienced media partners ( in Kazakhstan, Media Development Center in Kyrgyzstan, Asia Plus in Tajikistan and in Uzbekistan), in turn, selected four media projects. The project teams started their work in August 2020.

The project’s goal was to help to strengthen transnational and intersectoral collaboration among journalists, bloggers, climate experts as well as media partners from different countries. The project was implemented by n-ost (Germany) and MediaNet International Centre for Journalism (Kazakhstan) with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).