On December 21, 2023 n-ost and Publika hosted a webinar where experts discussed key aspects of how climate change affects health in the EECCA region. Maria Kolesnikava, an ecoactivist, campaigner, and media communicator from Kyrgyzstan, shared her story about advocating for the topic of air pollution and provided insights on how to address this issue in the EECCA region.
As part of the webinar, participants gained an understanding of Air Quality Challenges. Our experts shed light on the pressing air quality issues in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. From urban areas to rural communities, they delved into the unique challenges faced by citizens in monitoring and mitigating air pollution.
Additionally, participants learned about the Power of Citizen Engagement. They explored how citizens can actively contribute to monitoring air quality using accessible tools and technologies. Empowering individuals to become part of the solution is crucial in creating a healthier and cleaner environment for all.