For the first time, the most important international climate conference will take place in Eastern Europe and Caucasus in 2024. Bringing the world´s leaders together in Baku in November, the COP29 offers a unique opportunity to give a fresh impetus to climate communication in the region: Which topics are at the center of local climate change reporting? What role do propaganda and disinformation play in the climate debate - to what extent is the topic of health a popular angle of reporting on the climate crisis? Which stories, which journalistic formats do we need to get the audience interested in climate policy?
Over the last years, n-ost has been fostering climate journalism in various media projects. From 27 to 29 August we will convene journalists from all over Eastern Europe to an international conference in Tbilisi. We will discuss how to render the climate crisis a relevant topic on the region´s public agenda - and we invite you to submit proposals for the conference programme. Workshops on specific topics and journalistic skills are just as welcome as short capacity-building sessions on research or writing tools:
Tell the conference participants HOW you have worked on your climate publications - how you collected data, how you cooperated cross-border or how you embedded a local story in the global context. Everything is welcome!
Or tell us which speakers you would like to see and which topics or skills you would like to learn more about for your climate reporting.
We also offer an option for you to contribute to the workshop organization financially. If you are interested in supporting the conference in this way, please indicate so in your submission.
Also we have an option to cover travel and accommodation costs for speakers.