
Cross-border Pride: News from History Unit, Oct ‘24

Published on Oct 15, 2024

New articles supported by History Unit stipends and news from each of our project countries

In the October ‘24 issue of the newsletter, we present the new articles supported by History Unit stipends and share news from each of our project countries, from a Pride March crossing the German-Polish border to the continued persecution of queer people in Belarus. Read in full and subscribe here.

❗️Correction: the newsletter says that the memorial event in Sachsenhausen faced opposition from far-right extremists. As the reporter Juri Wassenmüller wrote to us, “The memorial event in Sachsenhausen on that day did not face opposition from far-right extremists, their mobilization was directed against the Pride in Oranienburg. The memorial site does receive threats via email etc. but as far as I know not specifically for that event”. We thank Juri for the correction!

The project is funded by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) as part of the Education Agenda on NS-Injustice.

Logos of the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)