
Ukraine Campaign

In the early hours of 24 February 2022, people across Ukraine woke up to the sound of bombs and sirens. With the aim to provide immediate support to journalists in Ukraine, we launched a fundraising campaign. Thanks to more than 350,000 EUR of donations we could support our partners and colleagues on the ground.

During the first months of the full-scale war, we worked on covering the most urgent individual requests. More than 100 journalists got direct financial help with the evacuation of their families and relocating teams to safer places in Ukraine or abroad. We also delivered to Ukraine the first protective equipment and medical kits.

Thanks to donations, first protective equipment was bought and delivered to Ukraine already in March 2022.

We supported the construction of Lviv Media Hub – a place built by our Ukrainian partner Lviv Media Forum. First, it became a shelter for journalists and their families from all over the country. Now it works as a co-working and event space for Ukrainian and international colleagues.

Lviv Media Forum's CEO Olga Myrovych shown n-ost team the future Lviv Media Hub. The Hub was open less than two months later. Lviv, Ukraine, June 2022.

Donations also enabled our psychological support program. We provided individual consultations with professional therapists and invited 17 Ukrainian journalists for a retreat at the Baltic Sea in Germany in July 2022. In May and July 2023, we organized two more retreats in Poland for 36 war reporters and their children. We also supported a retreat for the team of investigative media, organized by Lviv Media Forum in the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine.

Participants of the "Re:treatment" project on a tour in Gdansk, Poland in May 2023.

In the autumn of 2022, Ukraine faced another challenge because of Russia’s attacks on infrastructure. Power cuts and outages caused an urgent need of buying generators and power stations for newsrooms and individual use. In December 2022 we bought and delivered more than 40 generators and power stations to Ukraine and around 80 portable power banks for phones and laptops. 23 Ukrainian newsrooms are using them now for their everyday work: in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya, Chernihiv, Kherson, Dnipro, and other cities.

"Babel", a Ukrainian media based in Kyiv also received a power station for their newsroom in December 2022.

Thanks to all the donations – big and small – journalists in Ukraine can continue their work. Thanks to their work, the world can learn about the brutality of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine firsthand. We are extremely grateful to everyone who contributed.

The fundraising campaign was also supported by our partners Croatian Journalists' Association, FragDenStaat, Netzwerk Recherche, Reporters without Borders and taz Panter Stiftung.

Cooperation partner