
Taking the Risks: Reporters Working in the War Zone (Kyiv Media Hub event)

Kyiv Media Hub is a series of monthly events and networking activities in the framework of “The Europe-Ukraine Desk” project. These events are aimed at bringing together Ukrainian journalists and their foreign colleagues to discuss professional topics related to journalistic work in Ukraine, share experiences, and create opportunities for collaboration.

On September 7th we hosted a panel discussion titled "Taking the Risks: Reporters Working in the War Zone" at Urban Space 500 in Kyiv.

The panel discussion focused on the threats and dangers that come with reporting on Russia's war against Ukraine. 

Invited speakers 

  • Stas Kozliuk, freelance journalist, photographer, and fixer
  • Stephane Siohan, correspondent in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for the French daily newspaper Libération, and documentary filmmaker
  • Roman Golovenko, lawyer for the Institute of Mass Information Інститут Масової Інформації (ІМІ)

The invited guests shared their experiences regarding the following issues:

  • Risks assessments and security measures;
  • How the situation has been changing through the years: since 2014 until now;
  • Journalists as targets: losses among professionals.

The discussion was moderated by Tetiana Ogarkova, a journalist in charge of international outreach at Ukraine Crisis Media Centre Український кризовий медіа-центр.

The event was live-streamed on the Facebook page of n-ost and the Facebook pages of the partners of the event: UkraineWorld, Internews Ukraine and Lviv Media Forum.