
Media conference 2018: Face it!

A global migration crisis revealing the paradoxes of our moral systems, a growing group of political leaders questioning European core beliefs, and a US-president turning the world upside down – yesterday's unthinkable seems to be today’s normal.

On so many levels, we have been forced to integrate the unprecedented in our worldview over the last few years. But instead of facing the uncomfortable reality, we deny the scope of the change and stick to established, gradual mechanisms of policy making (e.g. in Germany) or retreat to national frames – two strategies equally useless. Ultimately we lack the sense of urgency needed in this historic moment.

Journalism beyond denial and ideology

How do we, journalists, live up to the challenge of facing these changes and of perceiving and confronting them? How do we – in the eye of the hurricane – find our role and provide the informational basis that society needs to adapt or react?

How do journalists in a society as deeply polarised as Poland, for example, regain the ability to get through to the real problems – maybe by leaving aside the old battles and concentrating on the ones worth fighting?

How do we understand and define our own role and positions on some of the most divisive questions currently discussed in Europe?

Over 160 journalists, activists, and academics met in Warsaw to discuss the biggest challenges that journalism faces today and look at the problems in the four Visegrad countries.

Make journalism great again! Banner-making session kicked off the n-ost media conference in Warsaw

Participating journalists

Check out all the participating journalists listed here. This is what brings them together.

See all network members
Dirk Auer

Freelance Journalist

Berlin, Germany

Maxim Sarychau



Lina Verschwele

Foreign Desk, Der Spiegel

Berlin, Germany

Elizaveta Kucherova


Magdalena Kicińska

Editor in Chief, Pismo


Zoltán Sipos

Journalist, Átlátszó Erdély

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Cassiano Gobbet


Strasbourg, France

Anita Back

Photographer, Photographer

Berlin, Germany

Rūta Vimba

Project Manager

Berlin, Germany

Frederik Rother

Author and Journalist, Deutschlandfunk

Köln, Germany

Philipp Fritz

Correspondent, Die Welt

Berlin and Warsaw, Germany

Kaja Puto

Freelance Journalist

Sosnowiec, Poland

Aigerim Toleukhanova

Freelance Journalist

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Daria Sukharchuk

Health Reporter, APM Health Europe

Berlin, Germany

Sebastian Christ

Civil Expert, Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr

Berlin, Germany

Denis Trubetskoy

Freelance Journalist

Kyiv, Ukraine

Judith Langowski

Newsletter Editor, Reuters

Berlin, Germany

Isabelle Daniel

Journalist, AFP

Berlin, Germany

Krsto Lazarevic

Journalist, Ballaballa-Balkan

Berlin, Germany

Ingrid Brekke

Journalist, Aftenposten

Oslo, Norway

Marco Fieber

Executive Director, Libereco

München, Germany

Andreas Herrmann

Journalist / Medienberater

Herrnhut, Germany

Simone Brunner

Staff Journalist, DIE ZEIT

Vienna, Austria

Nancy Waldmann

Journalist, Märkische Onlinezeitung

Franfurt Oder, Germany

Jan Opielka

Freelance Journalist

Gliwice, Poland

Edda Schlager

Correspondent Centra/Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Germany Trade & Invest

Berlin, Germany

Melanie Longerich

Journalist, Deutschlandfunk

Köln, Germany

Christina Hebel

Correspondent, Der Spiegel

Hamburg, Germany

Martin Fejer

Photographer and Journalist, est&ost photography

Berlin, Germany

Oliver Bilger

Journalist at Welt am Sonntag, WELT AM SONNTAG

Berlin, Germany

Clemens Schöll

Journalist, Clean Energy Wire

Berlin, Germany

Ulrike Gruska

Press Officer, Reporter ohne Grenzen

Berlin, Germany