
Open Call: "Reporting Together: German-Ukrainian Journalist Exchange"

We invite journalists from Germany and Ukraine to take part in the collaborative project in November 2024 — January 2025.

n-ost, in cooperation with the Prague Civil Society Center, invites 10 journalists from Ukraine and Germany to take part in the Reporting Together: German-Ukrainian Journalist Exchange”. This project is designed to strengthen the professional ties between journalists in both countries and foster on-the-ground reporting on Ukraine in the German media.

The project will begin with an in-person meeting in Berlin on 12-15 November 2024 and run till the end of January 2025.

During their stay in Berlin, selected journalists will form 5 cross-border teams and develop story ideas to report on over the coming months. Participants will also meet with representatives of leading German media and visit several editorial offices. 

After the meeting, the teams will travel to Ukraine to conduct their reporting independently. The research trips should take place before the end of the year and the stories should be published in German media by the end of January 2025. 

Each participant will receive a stipend of €1,000. Additionally, the project will offer travel grants for the teams to cover their research trips to and within Ukraine.

Who can apply?

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants from Ukraine should be based in Ukraine, have a proven record of working for Ukrainian and/or international media (staff or freelance), and have an interest in publishing in a German media outlet.

  • Applicants from Germany should be based in Germany, have a proven record of working for German media (staff or freelance), have experience in reporting on Ukraine, and be willing to travel to Ukraine together with a Ukrainian colleague.

  • All candidates must be proficient in English, have at least 3 years of experience in journalism, and demonstrate strong interest in in-depth collaborative research and story production.

How to apply?

Journalists should apply individually, outlining their topics of interest related to Ukraine. Submitting a detailed story idea is encouraged, but it is not mandatory. Please note that initial ideas may evolve during the program’s pitching process to align with the interests of both team members and the German audience.

To apply, please fill out the form by October 6. The results of the selection will be announced by mid-October.

For additional questions, please contact the project coordinator, Natálie Zehnalová: zehnalova@n-ost.org .