
Artur Koldomasov

Disinformation Analyst, Detector Media

Based in: Warsaw, Poland

In addition to that role, I am also a Non-Resident Fellow in the GGI Ukraine Programme. I hold a Bachelor's degree in International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies from the National University of "Ostroh Academy" coupled with Master's in Journalism and Public Communications from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland). I also studied International Relations during exchanges at the University of Warsaw (Poland) and Grand Valley State University (the United States) as a Global UGRAD Program finalist. I have a vast experience of work as a Senior Fellow at the ADASTRA Think Tank. Additionally, I had seven internships, related to the fields of diplomacy, international politics, journalism, international development, and security. For instance, he interned at the Canadian House of Commons, Permanent Mission of the Holy See for International Organizations in Vienna, Ukrainian Embassy to the United States, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. I

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